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5 Key Tips to Generate Leads for Conferences and Events

Life would have been so easy if your attendees had to just walk up to you and hand over their contact details. But it isn’t. However, it’s also not as tough either if you do it right. We have curated 5 tips that will guide you to generate leads for your future events and boost online ticket sales.

  1. Target the Right Audience
    If you try to sell cookies to customers with diabetes, they’re going to remain unsold, unless they’re sugar-free. Similarly, not focussing on the right audience will lead to no lead generation. Conference audience includes a mix of individuals, from an executive to business owners and CEOs. As a conference event presenter, choose groups keeping in mind their likes and dislikes. Because if your content isn’t relevant enough and doesn’t interest them, all your efforts become meaningless. If you strike the right chord, your attendees will look forward to registering for future conferences.
  2. Create a Solid Event Promotion Strategy
    Once you know your audience, it’s time to come up with an effective promotion strategy. When it comes to event promotion, social media is the most powerful tool. Use ticketing systems that offer you a direct option to promote your event. Yapsody’s online ticketing system helps you sell tickets as well as promote your event online. Achieve better results with short videos about what the conference is all about and how it will add value to them. Videos get more attention as compared to a post filled with text. You can also send out personalized emails about your conference to your target audience with creative subject lines. Read our detailed blog about effective email marketing tips to know more.
  3. Create a Landing Page
    Make ticket-purchasing for your attendees, simple, easy and quick. Create a landing page for your conference event so they don’t end up wandering on the homepage not knowing where to go. The whole purpose of event promotion and marketing is lost if your landing page doesn’t have a clear CTA. Whether it is ‘Buy now’ or ‘Register now,’ keep a clear CTA, so your attendees know what is expected from them. At Yapsody, we offer our presenters with a personalized online ticket store that helps you showcase all your events and sell your tickets online. From adding your brand colors to creating an appealing event description, you can do it all here. The best part, you get your own subdomain, so your attendees feel they’re on another page of your website. To know more, read our “Guide to getting started”. Use SEO to increase the visibility of your landing page. This will help attendees discover your event when they search online. Read our SEO blog to know more about “How to Get your Event Ranked First on Search Engine“.
  4. Ease the Sign-Up Process
    Did you know that 35% of online customers abandon a transaction due to the compulsory registration process? Avoid lengthy registration forms. Keep it short and just ask the required information from your attendees. In fact, giving your attendees an option to checkout as a guest can help them easily book their tickets. All they have to do is give their email address to receive the tickets. To know more about how this works, read our complete blog on “Increase Ticket Sales With The “Checkout As Guest’ Feature!
  5. Giveaway Cool Swags
    With top speakers at your conference, you are definitely adding value to your attendee’s professional life. Apart from those meaningful learnings, give away cool swags so your attendees cherish your conference for another decade. To ensure your giveaways don’t land up in the trash, use questionnaires and surveys to understand what your attendee’s views on giveaways are. In fact, you can also use these logic-based surveys to know more about what your attendees are looking for in a conference. Whether you choose to give a gift bag or a thoughtful book, make it a giveaway your attendee would love to keep.

With these tips in mind, you’re sure to get some great leads at your next conference. Planning a conference? Try Yapsody’s premium event ticketing system and make use of the best features for your next event. While we don’t offer giveaways, we’re constantly running deals we’re sure you’d love. Sign up Now and sell your first 50 conference tickets for free.